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Abby (Ally Martin)

A highly motivated, highly outspoken, and sometimes distracted college-bound 18 year old girl. She’s the defacto leader of the podcast, though her altruistic intentions for it are sometimes called into question. She loves her friends, but her forward thinking mind sometimes makes her oblivious to the present, including her own growing greed for internet hits and her best friend’s blossoming romantic feelings for her. Despite some pestering, she prefers not to scrutinize her own orientation and identity…yet.

Quick facts:

  • Worships Anderson Cooper
  • Wanted to be a journalist since age 8
  • Confirmed Mexican food snob
  • Will never admit to loving The Onion


Morgan (Delaney Stovall)

Part-time cheerleader, and (secret) full time reader. Morgan is an outgoing young woman with a lot going on under the surface as she begins to understand the nature of her feelings for her best friend, Abby, and what they could mean. She wants to keep Abby’s ambition in check but has a truly passionate attitude towards finding answers for Rose’s disappearance. Her confused feelings, however, may lead her to make interesting choices in both friends and romance.

Quick facts:

  • Cheerleader
  • Avid reader
  • Deep thinker
  • Susceptible to hangovers


Emily (Brit Griffin)

The confident, proudly pansexual, youngest member of the podcast crew. She’s highly devoted to the project, constantly trying to impress Abby, while verbally sparring with Eve. Though she mourns spending another year in high school while her friends head off to college at the end of the summer, she tries to make the most of her time through exploring her budding feelings for Abby, punctuated by growing tensions from the rest of the crew.

Quick facts:

  • Sofritas expert
  • Serial Her user
  • Professional flatterer
  • Champion of social justice


Eve (Sam Quattro)

The sarcasm expert of the podcast and tech wonder  who pushes buttons in more than just a literal way. She’s a lesbian who describes herself as a “gay guru” for her friends with newly realized feelings. She’s fairly neutral on the content of the podcast, but highly invested in Morgan’s burgeoning feelings and self-discovery. Underneath all the snark, she’s a loyal friend. But not the best influence.

Quick facts:

  • Celebrated top poster on many (all) queer internet forums
  • Kristen Stewart expert
  • Underground queer DJ
  • Might have been arrested once